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It is our attitude at the beginning of a task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome.\



It is our attitude toward life which will determine life’s attitude toward us.



We are interdependent. It is impossible to succeed without others. And it is our attitude toward others which will determine their attitude toward us.



Before a person can achieve the kind of life they want, they must become that kind of individual. They must THINK, ACT, TALK, WALK, and CONDUCT THEMSELVES IN ALL OF THEIR AFFAIRS as would the person they wish to become.



The higher you go in any organization of value, the better will be the attitudes you will find.



Your mind can hold one thought at a time. Since there’s nothing to be gained by holding negative thoughts. HOLD SUCCESSFUL POSITIVE THOUGHTS.


The deepest craving of human beings is to be needed, to feel important, to be appreciated. Give it to them, and they will return it.


Part of a good attitude is to look for the best in new ideas...and look for good ideas everywhere.



Don’t waste your time broadcasting personal problems. It probably won’t help you - and it cannot help others.



Don’t talk about your health unless it is good - unless you are talking to your doctor.



Radiate the attitude of well-being, of confidence, of a person who knows where they are going. You will find good things will start happening right away.



Lastly, for the next THIRTY days, treat everyone with whom you come in contact as the most important person on earth. If you will do this for thirty days, YOU will do it for the rest of your life.​​

©2022 - 2025


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