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Congratulations from Vertical Raise Fresno and!
Let's get your dotcom.
With your parents, please fill out the form below with at least one of your parent's contact information, your full name, 3 dotcom choices, links to social media and other platforms you want included and upload the image you prefer for your webpage.
Here is a fictional example of what a webpage can look like:
Example Webpage
This webpage can be a way for college coaches to easily find out more about you, your character and your academic and athletic experience, so keep that in mind when deciding which links you want to include.
Email here
to ask any questions.
First Name
Last Name
Coach's Name & School
Sport & Position
Parent or Guardian First & Last Name
Parent or Guardian Email
List 3 dotcom choices in order of preference. Please note your choices may not be available.
Dotcom #2
Dotcom #3
Link #1
Link #2
Link #3
Link #4
Link #5
Link #6
Link #6
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