Showing Promise
There once was a boy who loved to run & jump & throw & catch & flip & tackle & race & climb & challenge himself & say
“Look Mom, no hands!”
He loved games and sports and played as many of them as he could. He was good at most of them and showed promise at the few he loved playing.
He showed enough promise that he made a decision to do the work and focus on rising to fulfill his promise.
That decision changed his life…
When you show promise,
promise shows you.
And people notice.
People who are in a position to help you will explore ways they can best be of assistance to you.
The boy began to attract people who helped him get better, learn from his mistakes, avoid pitfalls, stay humble and become great!
As success bred more success, the boy realized how fortunate he was to have the support, the encouragement, the wisdom and the counsel of those wiser than he.
It all started with a decision the boy made.
He chose to pursue purpose!
The boy, now a man, has experienced far more joy and adventure than he ever could've imagined. Now, he helps others rise to their promise with purpose!
Keep showing promise!
No one knows exactly what the future holds but everyone knows what holds the future:
Will U choose what matters?
Will U choose what’s necessary?
Will U choose what’s required?
Will U choose to stand for more?
Will U choose purpose?
Will U
You are the lead actor starring in the movie of your life. You are following a script which dictates the choices you make and the chances you take.
If you aren't actively writing your script, someone else is and you are living the life of their dreams.
If it’s fame that U want
she’s elusive and demanding
Will U let her own U
or will U stand up and keep standing
If it’s wealth that U seek
there are sacrifices to gain her
Will U become a slave to her will
or supervise and maintain her
If your best life is what you’re after,
take or leave the wealth and fame
Will U decide what gives your life meaning or watch others live and live the same
Lives don’t unfold by accident,
we create them to some degree
by asking questions of ourselves
our answers guide us, U will see.
Yes, there’s randomness and luck
and some rely on destiny
but what U focus on has power
to shape the person U will be
So, what U need to do now
before going all in,
before investing your soul
in a race U won’t win,
is write the script for your life
U will be the lead actor,
the producer, the director,
the editor, the caster
This will be your story
decide now how you'll live it.
What matters, what doesn't.
How much effort you'll give it
Will U follow the crowd,
give up your life to live theirs
or will U discover your purpose
even if no one else dares
Will U put faith in a higher power
or trust in the wisdom of men
Will U just use knowledge and logic
or include the spirit within
Will U force your beliefs on others
as if U know what’s good for them
or will U respect their right to follow
who or what they put trust in
Will U always do your best
even if THE BEST is out of reach
Will U be a hypocrite
or will U practice what U preach
Your actions speak much louder
than your words ever will
Will U shout out your intentions
or do the work that makes them real
Will U add to or subtract from
the world's awesome beauty
Will U enhance earth or destroy it
Choose now, it's your duty
Will U be a hero or a villain
making life better or worse
for the people all around U
will U be a blessing or a curse
Will U consider others
or just U all the time
will U walk in their shoes
feel their pain, help them climb
Will U ignore those who suffer
or be part of their hope
Will U seek help for your pain
or just mask it and cope
Will U be honest & truthful
no matter the cost
trusting that it's enough
to keep from getting lost
or will U lie & deceive
to gain what U crave
be a cheater that prowls
streets of misery U pave
Will U keep your promises
and do what U say
choose to maintain trust
like there's no other way
or will U bail on the people
you’ve made commitments to
leave them wondering if
they should ever trust U
Will your friends think you're loyal
will U have their back
will U help shine their light
if their enemies attack
or will U use who U can
to get one step ahead
betray friends and trick foes
till your relationships are dead
When U commit to yourself
will U follow through
building self confidence
because U believe U
or will U break your own trust
thinking it’s not a big deal
then lose confidence in U
and find it difficult to heal
Will U stand up for yourself
or be used and abused
demand respect and fair treatment
or bow down when refused
Will U forgive when done wrong
and offer mercy and grace
or hold a grudge, seek revenge
carry that weight every place
and that includes U
Will U forgive yourself
Will U shed shame and regret
or store it on your heart’s shelf
When you’re being held back
by roadblocks all around
Will U simply give up
or give thanks then rebound
When knocked down as U fly
will U rise like a Phoenix
flap your wings with new tempo
top the charts with your remix
or will U stay close to the ground
where no turbulence lives
with no challenge, no resistance
that not growing gives
Will U live in fear or above it
hate uncertainty or love it
when rich will U share it
when without will U covet
Will U walk paths never taken
with all the unknowns
or choose familiar and comfort
smoothing out the road's stones
If society values U less
as U become what they call “old”
Will U still pursue purpose
or begin doing what you’re told
These are all likely choices
U will face in your story
As you’ve learned by now
life's not all gain and glory
but U have what U need
to amass all the muscle
to fight future fears
with strength, focus and hustle
Before U take action
know your purpose, right then
Actions put things in motion
toward a “learn” or a “win”
That's why writing your script
is what U must do
so you'll know in advance
how win and learn look to U
Please make note of the word choice
U either win or U learn
Commit, learn & don’t quit
in time you’ll get your turn
The only time that U lose
is when U choose not to learn
it’s that choice which determines
dreams fulfilled or dreams burned
When U make your mistakes
will U look for excuses
or look for the lessons
which have many more uses
Once U know who you’ll be
be that person you've scripted
When fear tries to shine
let your purpose eclipse it
No one has what U have
embrace your gift and then share it
the world is counting on U
we'll miss out if U bury it
2 parts H mixed with O
become water each time
1 part U mixed with grow
leads to LIFE so sublime
Share your skills, gifts and talents
the world’s searching for new
Live with heart, body, soul
Life is art, paint it U
It’s your choice! That’s what's great
about this adventure we’re on
Life is learning and choosing and
writing scripts till we’re gone!
So if the script U follow now
limits U in any way
Revise it and permit yourself
to learn a little more each day
Use this guide to help U think through
the questions throughout it’s text
Use your answers to help guide U
to rise up and do what’s next
When all is said and done
and U complete your life’s expression
as your true and last confession?
©2021 Jerry L. Burrell, All Rights Reserved