You are following a script by which you live your life.
If you didn't write the script, other people did and you are living the life of their dreams.
If you did write the script
by which you live your life,
Continue creating the life of your dreams!
before U take action
know your purpose, right then
actions put things in motion
toward a “learn” or a “win”
that's why writing your script
is what U must do
so U'll know in advance
how win and learn look to U
please make note of the word choice
U either win or U learn
commit, learn & don’t quit
in time U'll get your turn
the only time that U lose
is when U choose not to learn
It’s that choice which determines
dreams fulfilled or dreams burned
when U make your mistakes
will U look for excuses
or look for the lessons
which have many more uses
once U know who U'll be
be that person you've scripted
when fear tries to shine
let your purpose eclipse it
no one has what U have
embrace your gift and then share it
the world is counting on U
we'll miss out if U bury it
2 parts H mixed with O
become water each time
1 part U mixed with grow
leads to LIFE so sublime​
share your skills, gifts and talents
the world’s searching for new
live with heart, body, soul
life is art, paint it U
it’s your choice! that’s what's great
about this adventure we’re on
life is learning and choosing and
writing scripts till we’re gone
as we grow and get wiser
life won’t stay the same
so, the stories we live,
they too, have to change
so if the script U follow now
limits U in any way
revise it and commit
to grow a little more each day​​
when all is said and done
and U complete your life’s expression
will U say, “I LIVED ON PURPOSE!”
as your true and last confession
You may find
Copyright 2021 by Jerry L. Burrell
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce any
portions thereof in any form whatsoever.
Jerry L. Burrell is an American acrobat,
edutainer, and the founder and
director of ACRODUNK,
The United States FreesTYle Dunk Federation,
Jerry helps sports teams and coaches fundraise
in Fresno, CA and the surrounding area through